The cap means that if you or your partner do not work*, you will not get more in benefits than the average wage paid to people in work.
The benefit cap applies to households* in receipt of DWP benefits. The weekly amount of the cap is £257.69 for single people and couples without children and £384.62 for families.
If your total income including Housing Benefit is greater than this figure your Housing Benefit will be reduced so your income is below the above amount.
* You are excluded from the cap if someone in your family is in receipt of any of the following;
- Working Tax Credit (WTC)
- Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
- Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
- Attendance Allowance (AA)
- Industrial Injuries Benefits (IIB)
- ESA, if paid with the support component
- Armed Forces Compensation Scheme Payments (AFCS)
- Armed Forces Independence Payment (AFIP)
- War Pensions Scheme Payments (WPS) (including War Widow's/Widower's pension and War Disablement Pension)
For more information, please visit Benefit cap: Benefits affected by the cap