You can write to us requesting a more detailed explanation of a Housing Benefit decision at any time. We will then write back to you explaining our actions in more detail and give an explanation of how and why we made that decision. If after this explanation you still do not agree with our decision, you can ask for your assessment to be reconsidered.
Explanation of Housing Benefit decision.
You have the right to ask us to reconsider our original decision; however this must be done in writing and must be signed by the person who is affected by the decision. This should be done within one calendar month from the date of the decision.
You should state in your letter which decision you do not agree with, giving the reasons why you think the decision is wrong. We will then write to you to inform you if we have changed our original decision and provide you with an explanation regarding our decision. You then have one calendar month to appeal against the reconsideration decision.
Appeal against a decision
This must be in writing and be signed by the person who is affected by the decision. This appeal must be made within one calendar month of your benefit notification or reconsideration letter. You must state what you are appealing against, giving the reasons why you think the decision is wrong. If we have not already done so we will reconsider our decision.
If we are unable to alter our decision, we will prepare your case for an Independent Tribunal. These are administered by the Tribunal Service. We will send both you and the Tribunal Service a copy of our response. You can choose an oral or paper-based hearing. The tribunal (normally one legally qualified person) will then make a decision on your appeal.
Alternatively, you can contact the Tribunal Service directly on (0845) 4083500
If you would like any independent advice regarding our decisions, you can contact your local Citizens Advice.
There are no costs associated with appealing against a decision for Housing Benefit.
If you require further information on a decision please email: