Antisocial behaviour

In this section, you will find information relating to antisocial behaviour.

Antisocial behaviour is a negative form of behaviour that can cause alarm, distress or harassment to another person. It can be caused by people of all ages and from different backgrounds, it is not just confined to young people.

Examples of anti-social behaviour: 

  • Litter, rubbish and fly-tipping
  • Abandoned vehicles
  • Nuisance neighbours, intimidation and harassment
  • Rowdy behaviour
  • Street drinking
  • Aggressive begging
  • Crack houses and drug dealing
  • Prostitution and kerb crawling
  • Graffiti and vandalism

Arson is also a type of antisocial behaviour. Small deliberately lit fires often take place in litter bins within the villages or on open spaces such as Shoal Hill Common, High Gate Common, Perton lakes, Jubilee Woods and other open space areas around South Staffordshire. Staffordshire Fire and Rescue offer advice to all residents to be their eyes and ears. See their advice here.

What is antisocial behaviour?

Antisocial behaviour is a negative form of behaviour that can cause alarm, distress or harassment to another person. It can be caused by people of all ages and from different backgrounds, it is not just confined to young people.

Examples of anti-social behaviour: 

  • Litter, rubbish and fly-tipping
  • Abandoned vehicles
  • Nuisance neighbours, intimidation and harassment
  • Rowdy behaviour
  • Street drinking
  • Aggressive begging
  • Crack houses and drug dealing
  • Prostitution and kerb crawling
  • Graffiti and vandalism

What can I do about antisocial behaviour? 

The Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, includes new powers to help tackle ASB  

The following tools and powers were introduced in 2014 to address anti-social behaviour. These include:

  • Community Trigger 
  • Community Protection Notice
  • Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) 
  • Closure Power
  • Dispersal Power
  • Community Remedy
  • Civil Injunctions
  • Criminal Behaviour Order

For more information, see our page on the new powers to tackle anti-social behaviour

Report Anti-social Behaviour using our Online Form

Public Spaces Protection Orders

Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) can be implemented as a means to tackle ongoing anti-social behaviour that is having a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those who live, work in and visit an area.

PSPOs are designed to ensure the law abiding majority can use and enjoy public spaces safely, free from anti-social behaviour and places restrictions and requirements on the way people behave within the area covered by the order.

Breach of a PSPO is a criminal offence for which an individual can be summoned to attend court and fined. Fixed Penalty Notices of £100 may also be issued to deal with a breach.

On 14 November 2022 six PSPOs were authorised by South Staffordshire Council and documentation can be viewed below outlining the problem, actions taken, the reason for a PSPO being recommended, consultation responses and a map of the location.

For further information, please contact

View the Public Space Protection Orders currently in place here:

ASB Case Review

The Antisocial Behaviour Case Review is designed to ensure the Community Safety partners work together to try and resolve any complaints about antisocial behaviour.

We will do this by talking about the problem, sharing information and using our resources to try and reach an agreeable outcome.

The Antisocial Behaviour Case Review should be used if you believe your complaint has not been appropriately addressed or no action has been taken.

It should not be used to report general acts of crime, including hate crime. It does not replace the complaints procedures of individual organisations, or your opportunity to complain to the Local Government Ombudsman or Independent Police Complaints Commission.

The Antisocial Behaviour Case Review can be used if you (as an individual) have complained to the council, police or a registered housing provider (social landlord) about three separate incidents in the last six months.

To request an Antisocial Behaviour Case Review please visit  Staffordshire Police  or call 101.

For guidance please view ASB Case Review Process

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