Wombourne Parking Pilot

Find out about a pilot that is taking place in Wombourne to try and address inconsiderate on-street parking in the village.

South Staffordshire Council, Wombourne Parish Council, Staffordshire Police and Staffordshire County Council are working together on a pilot scheme in Wombourne to monitor parking, assess whether cars are parked inconsiderately and whether intervention is required.  

The pilot only applies to on-street parking and does not include car parks.  It will run for three months, starting on Monday, March 4, 2024.   

Residents can email photos to the council of what they consider to be inconsiderate parking. The perceived inconsiderate parking must meet the following criteria and photos will be ‘triaged’ by the council before further action, if any, being taken. 

  • The vehicle does not allow enough pavement space for access by a wheelchair or pushchair  
  • The vehicle is parked within 10 metres of a junction  
  • The vehicle does not allow space on the road for an emergency vehicle to pass by  
  • The vehicle registration mark must be clearly visible on the photograph(s) 
  • The vehicle is parked on double yellow lines 

When taking your photographs please note that you should not put yourself in a confrontational situation. 

Once the photos have been ‘triaged’ the following action may be taken: 

  • Photos meeting certain criteria will be passed on to Staffordshire Police who will decide whether further action is required from a Policing perspective, this may include, but not be limited to, an advisory notice being issued to the registered keeper/driver of the vehicle.  
  • Photos of cars parked on double yellow lines will be passed on to Staffordshire County Council for enforcement consideration.  
  • Where multiple photos on the same street are received by the council, they will be passed on to Staffordshire County Council for them to consider whether double yellow lines are feasible. 

Please email your photographs of no larger than 20MB in total to:  parkingpilot@sstaffs.gov.uk  

You must include the following information in your email: 

  • Your name
  • Location where photographs were taken (please be as specific as possible)
  • Date and time photographs were taken
  • How long was the vehicle inconsiderately parked (if known) 

The aims of the pilot are to:  

  • reduce the number of vehicles parking inappropriately. 
  • improve perceptions of Wombourne residents about inappropriate parking.  
  • improve safety of pedestrians in Wombourne.  
  • gain evidence for possible County Council interventions - areas where double yellow lines may be appropriate, parking restriction road signage.  
  • educate drivers to understand inconsiderate parking. 


FAIR PROCESSING NOTICE - Data Protection – What You Need to Know 

Data Controller/ Data Protection Officer - South Staffordshire District Council of Council Offices, (telephone number 01902 696000) is what is known as the ‘controller’ of your personal data.  Our ‘Data Protection Officer’ is Lorraine Fowkes.  She can be contacted at the address and via the number given above or by email dpo@sstaffs.gov.uk  

Purpose of Processing  - As an organisation we process your personal data solely for the purposes of this pilot.  Your contact information may be shared with the other partners involved in the pilot (Staffordshire Police and Staffordshire County Council). 

Legal Basis  - We process your personal data in order for us to take steps at your request with a view to us entering to a contract or to perform the contract.  

Retention - We will potentially store your information indefinitely.  

Your Rights in Brief - If we process your personal data you may, depending on your circumstances have a right of access to it; to correct inaccurate information; to restrict our processing of it or to have your personal data erased.    

General - The provision of information by you to us is a requirement necessary to enter in to a contract with us.  If you do not provide the information to us we may not be able to provide a service to you.    

Complaints - Please contact Community Safety by email (communitysafety@sstaffs.gov.uk) or speak to our Data Protection Officer in the first instance but if you have any concerns about the way we have processed your personal information then you can complain to the Information Commissioner. 

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