A Safety Advisory Group Meeting was held this morning (August 11th) with the organisers of the Deep Forest Event being held at Chances, Stourton Court, South Staffordshire, on Saturday, September 2nd.
In attendance at the meeting were representatives from the police - both local and from Staffordshire Police Events Team - representatives from South Staffordshire Council's Environmental Health and Licensing including the Licensing Officer, Environmental Protection Officers and Food and Health and Safety Team officers.
The Event Management Plan and associated documents had previously been provided and shared with all the partner agencies including Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Service and Staffordshire County Council Highways. These later agencies had already reviewed and requested any additional information.
The organisers had applied for a Premises License and had gone through the licensing process as required under the Licensing Act 2003 and a new premises license was subsequently granted on June 22nd.
The Safety Advisory Group (SAG) is a multi-agency represented group and it’s primary function is to promote safety at public events. This is by providing advice and guidance, promoting good practice and ensuring organisers manage any adverse impact on the community. The SAG has no legal powers and members do not approve or prohibit the events. It is the event organisers and those associated with the event who have legal duties placed on them to ensure public safety.
The SAG covered a range of issues around the planning and management of the event, including traffic management plans (for the main road and onsite), noise management from the music, security measures, measures to safeguard animals, health & safety, fire safety controls/management etc. The event is still in its planning stages and the event organisers have to date been willing to take on board the advice and guidance provided.
The concerns raised by some local residents and members were also discussed with the organisers at the SAG.
Planning Enforcement have visited the site this week and conclude there are no planning breaches as the land benefits from permitted development rights for the temporary use of the land and had also advised the event organisers to contact Worcestershire Wildlife Trust, which they stated they had already had contact with.
The organisers have agreed to take on board the advice and guidance from the SAG members and provide updated information in the lead up to the event.
The SAG will continue to work with the organisers on this event.