Localism Act 2011

The Localism Act (2011) sets out some of the Government's key reforms which are intended to give local councils, communities and individuals more control and freedom over the range of services that they receive.

These pages provide information about the different parts of the Act and what steps the Council are taking.

The Department for Communities and Local Government has produced a guide to the Localism Act (2011) which explains some of the key aspects of the Act.

Community Right to Bid

The Localism Act requires local authorities to maintain a list of assets of community value which have been nominated by the local community.

When listed assets come up for sale or change ownership, the Act then gives community groups the time to develop a bid and raise the money to bid to buy the asset when it comes on the open market. This will help local communities keep much loved sites in public use and part of local life.

Community Right to Bid Process

Asset Register

A nomination form can be submitted at any time.

If we decide a nominated building or piece of land is an asset to the community we will list the asset on the register, the nominating group and the owner will be notified of this decision. The asset will remain on the register for five years or until the property is sold. If the building/land is sold it may be placed back on the register by completing a new nomination form.

If the owner disagrees with the decision to list their property as an asset of community value they can request an internal review (within 8 weeks of receiving notification). If the review is successful the asset is removed from the register.

All unsuccessful nominations will still be placed on the register so you will be able to see if a building or piece of land has already been nominated.

Community Right to Bid

If the owner of a nominated asset that is listed on the register decides to sell they must notify South Staffordshire Council. We will then inform the group who nominated the asset that the owner has decided to sell.

An interim period of 6 weeks begins, this allows time for a community group to consider placing a bid and must inform South Staffordshire Council that they wish to be treated as a bidder for the asset.

If a community group are interested in placing a bid, a 6 month moratorium period starts and gives the community group time to prepare a business plan and find the finances for the bid. At the end of this period the owner considers all the bids and they can sell to whoever they choose.

If no request to bid on an asset is made by a community group the owner is free to sell the asset.

Community Right to Build

The Community Right to Build will allow communities to choose where and when to build homes, shops, facilities and businesses.

This part of the Localism Act is an alternative to the traditional application for planning permission. It gives the community the power to decide for themselves what happens in their neighbourhood for example affordable housing, sheltered housing or a new community centre.

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