Polling Districts and Polling Places review

This page contains information about the different Polling District and Polling place reviews

To find out about the different reviews taking place please see the below. 


Local Government Boundary Review

About electoral reviews:

A review takes around a year to complete and has three main parts:

The Commission will consider what the total number of Councillors that should be elected to the authority in future should be, to ensure effective Local Government.

Once the Commission has taken a view on Councillor numbers, they will re-draw ward boundaries to accommodate those Councillors according to three statutory criteria, namely: that the new wards deliver electoral equality for voters, that they reflect community interests, and that they promote effective Local Government.

Once the Commission has published final recommendations for each authority, they will lay a draft order - specific to each council - in Parliament.

The reviews will focus only on the internal electoral arrangements of each Council. The Commission will not look at the external boundaries of any authority.


Local Government Boundary Review

The Boundary Review for South Staffordshire was conducted in 2022, following a lengthy process, Parliament agreed the changes in preparation for the District and Parish Elections held in May 2023.

Click here to view a summary of the recommendation or here for the full report.

Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places - Parliamentary

South Staffordshire District Council is conducting a review of Polling Districts and Polling Places. The review will take place between November 2023 and January 2024. Changes will then be implemented in time for the next UK Parliamentary Election scheduled to take place before 28 January 2025. 

We welcome and encourage the views of all residents, particularly disabled residents and comments from any person or body with expertise in access for persons with any type of disability. Any person or body making a representation should, if possible, give alternative places that may be used as polling places.

To view our notice which gives a description of all key dates please click here.

Any proposals for changes or suggestions can be made on a submission form from the 13th  November 2023. Please click here to view the submission form. The deadline for submission is 5pm on the 11th  December 2023

The (Acting) Returning Officer (ARO) has published a report outlining the proposed and existing polling stations on the 13th December 2023 on the Council's website and a copy will be available at the Council Offices. Please click here.

For more information contact the Elections office on 01902 696000 or email elections@sstaffs.gov.uk

Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places - Parish and District Election 2023

South Staffordshire District Council has conducted a review of Polling Districts and Polling Places. The review took place between October 2022 and January 2023. Changes were then implemented in time for the scheduled District and Parish elections in May 2023.

The Polling district and polling place changes can be viewed by clicking on the below.

Polling stations and district changes  and polling stations and districts summary changes.

Station and district maps of Perton, Penkridge and Great Wyrley can be accessed by clicking on each place name.

Polling districts and polling places are kept under regular review.

For more information contact the Elections office on 01902 696000 or email elections@sstaffs.gov.uk

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