Green Bin Update
If you are signed up to our Garden Waste Service, collections finish on Friday, 13th December, 2024.
This is the last week of collections for the year.
Collections will recommence in the New Year from Monday, 13th January, 2024.
Responses to consultations inform the plan making process and are taken into account as we prepare each stage of the plan review.
In late 2022 the council carried out a public consultation on our emerging Local Plan which was intended to be the final stage before we submitted the plan to the Secretary of State for formal examination. However, the government published proposals in December 2022 to change national planning policy, in particular around Green Belt. This was pertinent for South Staffordshire and the plan was paused awaiting the outcome of the changes; however, these have not yet been published.
A summary of the comments made to the public consultation in 2022 have now been published online. You can view these comments via our online consultation portal here:
The comments made to us last year have been taken on board as we work to update the evidence underpinning the plan. We hope to have a strategy in place for further consultation in spring 2024, once the outcomes of the changes to national planning policy are known.
Further information about the representations made to the Preferred Options, for the Regulation 19 consultation and the forthcoming Examination are in this Consultation Information Sheet.
Viewing Published Representations (see also our step by step guide to the consultation system)
Please note that information provided in the responses is solely the view of the respondent, not South Staffordshire Council.