Some of the largest developments in the UK are happening in South Staffordshire, delivering accommodation for internationally renowned companies.
Our focus is not only on attracting large companies. The district’s almost five thousand small and medium size businesses provide a diverse range of high-quality goods and services, creating a strong supply chain and delivering local jobs.
We are a place where people want to start and grow their business too. Across the district, we’re providing the platform for an abundance of new innovative
businesses to thrive by investing in our key employment areas.
We’re steeped in heritage and blessed with glorious countryside and quaint villages, each with their own unique High Street offering as well as an abundance
of tourist attractions, making South Staffordshire a place people want to live, visit and stay.
Our commitment to driving inward investment and supporting local business growth through strong partnerships is enabling us to deliver against our vision of shaping the district to build vibrant communities in the medium to long-term.
Council-owned Commercial Property
The council has a range of industrial and office accommodation to suit your business needs.
Find out more about available property to rent.
Commercial Property Search
Our property search database contains listings of properties for sale or lease. Simply register and choose your search criteria to get instant property details.
We can also support your local property search using our comprehensive knowledge of commercial space in South Staffordshire.
If you would like to discuss your property requirements, email